Artist and muralist, winner of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts, FONDART 2010, O'Higgins Region, with the Project "Today, as then the People will be born," related to the "People's Bicentennial Alternative" (1810 - 2020)
Born in San Carlos, Province of Ñuble, Bío-Bío, spent his childhood in the city-mining camp of Sewell, mineral "Lieutenant", belonging to the commune of Machalí, Cachapoal Province, Region O'Higgins, Chile.
It has numerous solo and group exhibitions, throughout all of Chile, also participating in exhibitions and biennials, both domestic and international.
Asdociación affiliate of Painters and Sculptors from Chile, APECH and, through them, the Association des Arts Internationalle, IAA. Paris, France.
Is integral, as "Sailor" from literary and intellectual group "the useless", in Rancagua, built around the figure of the poet Oscar Castro Zúñiga.
College is a member of the Teachers of Chile
Has been a member of the Jury Professor of Media Technology Education, Arts Education sector, Visual Arts sub-sector. He has taught at schools of higher education and lectured in various cultural institutions in Chile and abroad.
Teaching in AIEP Institute, the Andrés Bello Uniiversidad in Career Design and Drafting Grñafico Architecture, Campus Curico, between 1993 and 2006 and Rancagua Campus between 1989 and 2003. Professor of the Instituto "Santa Maria" Race Costume Design (Drawing and human figures), Headquarters Rancagua.
Current resident in the city of Rancagua, Cachapoal Province, O'Higgins Region, Chile.
He has also lived temporarily in the metropolitan area: districts of Las Condes, Santiago Centro, San Miguel, La Florida, Quinta Normal, Recoleta, in the Maule Region, city of Curico and also in regions of the "Norte Grande" Chile: Arica and Parinacota, Tarapaca and Antofagasta (city of Arica, Iquique and Antofagasta), added to Copiapo (Atacama Region)
He has traveled the South American continent, from Caracas, Venezuela, to Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina), forced visitors to the main museums, mainly archaeological and Aboriginal Art Pre-Columbian.